7 Benefits of Cloud Application Development

Cloud computing functionality is popular among business firms nowadays. It is a fast, easy and cost-efficient solution for companies to connect to the market. Many software companies are using cloud computing in their own development. This trend is directed towards the customer demand and demand of the growing organizations. Cloud application development is cheaper and the faster option of web application development with its user-friendly features.

So what is cloud application development?

The ‘Cloud’ refers to Hi-Tech computing services that travel over the internet to some servers in different locations. This IT infrastructure is usually managed by a third party that charges a fee in exchange for computing power and other cloud-based services. Cloud based applications uses cloud based services. In other words, a cloud-based app is an Internet-run program with components stored online with some (or all) processes executed in the cloud. Any app consists of data and processing logic stored as code and need a space to be run. While speaking of a cloud-based application we mean that its user interacts with it through a mobile app or browser, and the data processing takes place on the remote server base and handled with the help of an API. In this case, a user’s device serves only as the input device and does not host the majority of processes. 

The significant features of cloud based apps are:

  • Information can be stored on a user’s device temporarily to allow them to access it while offline. Once the person is online again, the app will be updated and will upload the data generated offline to the cloud storage location. 
  • App’s data is placed in a cloud infrastructure and could be partly cached on a user’s device.
  • A cloud app can be reached with the help of any Internet-connected device including smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  • Cloud-based apps provide users with access to third-party cloud services with APIs integration and can be more readily customized than a web-based app. 

Cloud application development simply means writing code in the cloud, or on a local machine directly connected to the cloud environment, to where it is transferred for testing. It requires only a browser or online interface that is connected to a cloud-based infrastructure. Thanks to the ability to process large amounts of data through third-party-owned IT infrastructure, companies can perform massive calculations and deliver top services. Cloud application development and deployment is considered better than traditional methods of application development and deployment on premise. There are a number of benefits associated with cloud application development and deployment. The following are some core benefits:

1. No need for massive capital investments – Automated scaling based on the consumption of infrastructure resources allows organizations to create new products and services in a way that optimizes both cost and performance. Hence, resources can be optimally utilized without incurring extra costs by the organization. Most of the cloud services are pay-as-you-go. So, you have the option of paying for the services as required by your organization. For instance, you need data storage space for your stakeholders, you can buy as much space as you require. This helps you in controlling your costs vis-à-vis your ROI.

2. Improved app performance – As more computations are performed on the server side of an app, users will experience a faster and more reliable service. Better and fast app performance enhances end user experience.

3. Scalability & Flexibility – Businesses can hire on-demand the processing power they need. This is very convenient for moments of high computer processing demand. This increased scalability helps the business in improving their performance and growth. By relying on an outside organization to take care of all IT hosting and infrastructure, you’ll have more time to devote toward the aspects of your business that directly affect your bottom line. This gives more flexibility to your team to manage other important functions. The cloud is also more cost-effective as developers spend less time doing mundane tasks and more time focusing on what matters most i.e. your business goals.

4. Security – Cloud services help reduce the risk of physical IT infrastructure failure. Much of the heavy lifting around application security is handed over to the cloud platform provider. It is the job of the host to carefully monitor security of the users’ data by adopting various measures like multi-level encryption, password protection etc. A staggeringly high percentage of data thefts occur internally so it’s always better to keep sensitive information offsite.

5. Mobility – Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices, making it easier to be in the loop at convenience. It also gives the advantage of working remotely as all information and relevant data can be accessed through the cloud network. Ease of work promotes greater employee satisfaction which benefits the organization at large.

6. Better quality control – In a cloud based system, all documents are stored in a similar format at one place. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates. This helps in maintaining quality of data.

7. Prevention of loss – Cloud computing solutions help in prevention of data loss due to various factors like hardware malfunction, software errors, viral infections, hardware deterioration, or user errors. If you aren’t on the cloud, you’re at risk of losing all the information you had saved locally. With a cloud-based server, however, all the information you’ve uploaded to the cloud remains safe and easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection, even if the computer you regularly use isn’t working.

Cloud application development is the best thing that ever happened to software makers. Its popularity is increasing day by day as business organizations realize its benefits. Implementing a cloud-based solution helps any organization get an edge over competitors. It also helps in reducing the carbon footprint by reducing paper wastage and improving energy efficiency. For more assistance on cloud application development feel free to contact our team at www.colby-tech.com.